Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm back. I know you were all d.i.e.ing without my posts and could have spent no more time without my viewpoint-so I have returned to cyberworld, or space or what ever it is called.

I am not sure what happened to me in the last month that caused me to abandon my newly created blog, it might have had something to do with having to move while simultatniously doing a 4.5 month long class in 6 weeks. But that is all behind me now and I am free and clear to be witty and entertaining.

So lets update-I am now roommate-less. Which is a great thing I guess, only it means that I have to live with all my crazy by myself! Being alone in the house causes me to think sometimes that I could hurt myself and not have anyone to call for help. I have many irrational fears folks, but this is not one of them. If you consult my injury track record you will find that alot of them happened when I was alone. Or making unfortunate decisions thinking I was smarter than the directions, and/or sometimes drunk. i.e.-I burned my stomach naked cooking once. That is a long story. (I think I feel this list coming on at some point!) Anyway, when I say I "sometimes" think about that I could have some sort of freak accident when I am alone, I really mean I think about it at least once a day. Really it is that I could fall and break my neck and die and then the neighbors will smell something bad and call 911 causing the cute firemen to find me in my apartment with a crazy pained look on my face and bloated and smelly. I really want to meet cute firemen,but that is not a good way to make a love connection. So I ask you, is this wierd of me? I don't think so.

Sidebar-I swear this fear is the main reason why people get married...for an emergency contact person to put on applications of any kind. And to have someone to take out the trash. And clean the cat box. Those are definately the real reasons. I need to get in on this racket.

So in honor of this fear of mine and to assuage any fears for my safety that I may have now caused, I have put a few things into place to help me combat the possiblity of a freak accident.
I will attempt to follow all directions when any type of tools or cooking is involved, I will not ever mix any cleaning products (that has bad very bad results somtimes!) and I am no longer a rollerblader, I quit smoking and thank God, i will no longer be found drunk anywhere. Not shithoused, ass-out, falling down drunk anyway. The Queen will live on. No worries...for now.

Long Live the Queen Bitches!